My group specifically received Best Western as the company we were assigned to research and present. While much of our work was wrapped up on Friday, there were several aspects that needed to be fixed, finished, and cleaned up. From the animations within the slides to the transitions and pictures, we were on a wild goose chase hunting down the perfect execution for tomorrow’s assignment.
My group working at our corner station within the computer lab.
The main reason to actually come to Statler Hall today was to do a run-through in a classroom and get critique by whoever was monitoring it. Everyone signed up for a scheduled time to receive their private audience and help on Friday, and we chose the 6 PM slot. While waiting for our number to come up, we embarrassingly learned that we mixed our group name (7B) with another one (6B). Because company assignments were designated to which number a group was, we were a little concerned that this Day 1 mishap ruined our project. Amusingly enough, the group that believed they were 6B got mixed up as well, and so Mark McCarthy simply assumed that we just swapped names. While this may have ended up as a horrible pitfall, it was a complete sigh of relief to discover that this was just a scramble of identification.
While the TAs in the class do a tremendous job in helping the students, our group was so fortunate to have Mark observe and criticize our dry-run presentation. There is nothing better than getting advice from the person who will eventually be grading this assignment, and while there were many flaws within the presentation, we took his aid to heart and tweaked the final product to seamlessly look sleek and professional.
At the end of the day, we all decided to take a little break by participating in the Highlighter Dance. At the party, everyone is given a complimentary t-shirt and the rule is that you may write on your shirt or someone else’s. Because dance is my absolute passion, it was incredibly satisfying to be able to dance the night away as if nothing was wrong in the world!
But then, the day came to a close as my group got together again within the dorm’s lobby so that we can make final preparations and practice for tomorrow’s upcoming “gauntlet.” While many of us were tired and in desperate need of a shower, we pulled it together and finished what we came to do. Regardless of the grade we will get, I will be content with knowing that we worked hard on this. Like they say, “It’s the journey that matters, not the destination.”
However, as I mentioned I was not as productive as I would like to have been. After outlining and rereading some of Plato I called my wonderful family who sent to be Cornell so that they could go to Hawaii without me. They are going to try and play it off by saying that they didn’t play this trip as a “too bad you are stuck in Ithaca where there no beaches to tan on” but they really did. Not that I think Ithaca is any worse than Hawaii and I am truly thankful I am here not there getting skin cancer. To prove I am extremely happy here I must touch on why today was such a fun day.
THERE WAS A DANCE!!!!!!! I love dances. I don’t even know if there is anything more do say than that I just love dances period. I love the getting ready before hand and I love the dancing parts. The sweaty cold feeling after dances is kind of gross and not my favorite part but you always come home with fun stories and a hoarse voice from singing along. I don’t want to dive into the dance since most dances are a “you had to be there” kind of thing and I am pretty sure most of you who are reading this would not have liked the dance since I am pretty sure most of you aren’t my age. For those of you who are my age the dance here at Cornell is a ton of fun and I strongly suggest you go.
It is bedtime for Taylor Michelle Doty. Until tomorrow, Over and Out blog readers.
Today, I was able to split time between work and play relatively, although I am a bit peeved that I already did have to get back to work (I know I shouldn’t be complaining compared to the Hotellies, but I am starting to regret every minute I can’t spend relaxing (and there seem to be more and more of these lost minutes every day). I had another late breakfast after sleeping in (I’m still in a bit of shock from Cooperstown) and then played a nice few rounds of kangaroo (a basketball game our new friends from Long Island taught us). After around an hour of basketball in New York’s sweltering humidity, we decided it was time for a refreshing drink from Collegetown. We went to CTB (Collegetown Bagels) and had some sub-par smoothies, although in this heat anything cold was refreshing.
After the smoothies, we took a quick little tour of Collegetown, and then wandered around on campus for about a half hour or so. After a quick dinner (people were in a bit of a rush to get to the highlighter dance) my work, unfortunately, began. Although the only dance (at least to my knowledge) at this Summer College program was earlier tonight, I decided to go with my intellect over want (which would make me a perfect fit for a philosopher-king according to Plato) and worked on my upcoming Freedom & Justice essay (coincidentally, on Plato). I spent the next two hours going back and forth between wishing I was at the dance and actually writing, but I was actually able to great deal done, and have successfully mapped out my essay, on Plato’s main critiques on democracy, and have even finished a page and a half of the suggested two and a half page essay. Anyway, I’m pretty exhausted again, so it looks like I’ll have to split time between work (finishing the last page) and play (going to Buttermilk Falls to finally swim off the heat!) tomorrow, and I’ll talk to you then.