Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm Becoming a Philosopher. (Well, Not Quite)

Today will be tough to beat, as far as having an overall fantastic day goes. Before I jump into the story of this practically perfect day, I want to explain my title. Professor Kramnick has pointed out numerous times that philosophers tend to think of everything in groups of threes, such as Plato’s three allegories explaining knowledge and its realm (the sun, the line, and most famously, the allegory of the cave). Today, my perfect day also formed a nice group of three, which happened to be my three favorite things in life as well (a shocking coincidence). This fantastic group of three which really covered everything that happened today was; food, sleep, and baseball. To me, it is impossible to go wrong when some amount of each of those things is all that makes up my day, and this day was just as good as one who knows my love for those three things would expect.

I began the day by shattering my sleeping record on this trip, staying asleep for an amazing 11 hours, from midnight till 11 in the morning. I had a quick brunch which along with a bit of McDonald’s was about all I ate (so really it was only a group of 2 and a half, but that doesn’t make me much of a philosopher so I rounded up). After this quick brunch Joe told me that Ms. Neal would be willing to drive us to Cooperstown! Apparently while I was asleep plans had already been arranged, but Joe, knowing that I am a complete baseball nerd, told Ms. Neal that I would want to go too. Soon Ms. Neal, Joe, and I were on a two and a half hour drive through upstate New York.
On that ride, my excellent day of sleep continued with a nice 90 minute nap, (filling one whole sleep cycle as I learned at last week’s crash course) and combined with my hour-long nap on the way back, brought my grand total of sleep up to a whopping 13 and a half hours!
But back to Cooperstown, what appeared to be a small brick building with barely enough room for a busy restaurant turned out to hold countless memorabilia and wonderful tidbits of information. I was able to take pictures with the bronze hall of fame plaques of both my dad’s favorite player (posted above) and my grandfather’s favorite player. There were too many amazing things to recall, and I truthfully can’t think of what else to write about it, I’m still in shock. It’s difficult (for me at least) to put into words just how incredible the Hall was, and I’m so grateful to Ms. Neal for taking me and Joe to see it.


  1. Nick,

    Trust me when I write that I’m tickled that, of all people, you were able to visit Cooperstown. That had to be such a thrill for you.

    BUT…you write 225 words mostly about SLEEPING and you write only 200 words about Cooperstown? What’s that all about? You have nothing more to write about such an adventure?

    I hope you properly show Ms. Neal your appreciation for this. That had to be so way cool.

  2. Very cool field trip nick! And I had to chuckle about your need for sleep. You must still be growing!!!!
