Friday, July 8, 2011

Gotta Get Down On Friday

It gets harder and harder to wake up in the morning goes on, but it is always reassuring to wake up on Friday morning knowing tomorrow is Saturday. Today was not too exciting. I woke up, met the ‘crew’ downstairs, got breakfast, and then went off to class. However today, as you will see on Joe’s blog, our section group had a great discussion about how people from different states pronounce things differently. It became a heated debate it was Joe and I against the 5 New York girls in our group. It was a very funny way to start off class.

In lecture we talked more about John Stuart Mill, but instead of talking about his desire for women’s rights we talked about his view on liberty and freedom. Professor Kramnick talked about how in the 19th century people started using democracy and freedom interchangeably. He talked about as democracy took the stage there were issues between democratic freedom and liberal freedom. He talked about how people, even and especially today, value one or the other freedom. The Supreme Court is constantly faced with making discussions based on one or the other freedoms.

Today, even though I didn’t come home and do homework, was a productive day. I had a meeting with my lovely chaperone Ms. Neal at 12:30, next a meeting with my TA at 2:30, then a meeting with my RCA at 4:20 and lastly a Cornell Wolf Pack meeting at 5:30.

In my first meting with Ms. Neal, she and I talked about my trip so far, how prepared I felt and what I saw the role of a chaperone being.

In my second meeting, my TA Simon helped me rework my essay to make is stronger. I realized (in both meetings so far) that I had never really learned how to write a good college quality essay, and that I am not a strong essay writer.

Then in my third meeting I got to spend about 20 minutes getting to know my super cool RCA Fiona :). We talked about everything from college to my AP scores. I had a lot of fun talking to her. I found it odd, but great, that I could just talk to her and open up and not feel worried about her judging me.

My final meeting was a Wolf Pack reunion :). It was really nice to see everyone again. I do see my fellow freedom and justicers everyday, but I don’t really get to see the hotelies so it was great to see them and hear how they are doing. We talked about up coming activities we wanted to do and then about a service-learning project. We all decided that we wanted to spread the word about the ILC around our school to make sure kids new what a great opportunity this is. We want to try and get kids who might not normally think of going to an Ivy League reconsider and really try and get into this program. I know I am going to talk about the connection it gives you. I have met so many wonderful adults that make a difference in the application process while being on this trip and it has really helped me shape out what I want colleges to know about me. I also got to meet the Cornell Coach and have a face-to-face talk with her; I would never have been able to do that on my own.

Tonight we are going to watch the Town, I can’t wait. Until tomorrow, Over and Out blog readers.

1 comment:

  1. T,

    Tip number one on essay writing - re-read it, out loud and really moving your lips to see what words you actually have on paper. It makes a whole different impression on your brain when you hear things out loud. It helps on both the substance/strength/clarity of the points you want to make, and on the proof-reading.
