Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Game of CHESS

It was another demanding day in the Hotel Operations Management course, but I'm adjusting. I find my self dozing off less in the middle of the day, so I guess the five hour sleep schedule is working for me. Goodbye jetlag!

It's so difficult for me to register that it was only a week ago that we left California. This has been the longest week of my life. I miss Chicago, I miss hanging out with the ILC Cornell Wolfpack, but oddly enough, I'm not a bit homesick. The summer has kept me busy, even if it's only been a week. I feel like, now that we're on Cornell Time, the days are going to pass much more quickly. But I don't want to wallow in how soon it'll all be over, when I have projects and presentations due left and right. I'm being challenged to new levels, learning about all this mind-boggling stuff, discussing them with people from around the world, and for the most part, I'm having the time of my life.

Today, I picked up a pair of Branta canadensis goslings grazing on the quad green. I finally had the opportunity to try perogies for the first time,after years of my Polish friend, Miranda's insistence. I made $8,190 in virtual hotel simulation money.

CHESS is quite a piece of sofware. I spent a good chunk of the past few days reading about it and taking notes, but experiencing it first-hand and being able to play around with the program is the best teaching tool. The goal is to get the highest occupancy, while making the most RevPAR by manipulating variables to change the success of a bankrupting mid-size limited service hotel in downtown Syracuse. On a side note, I wonder why Cornell has cancelled its use in the actual undergrad Hotel School.

There is so much of CHESS for me to discover and personalize, but I promise to write all about it as soon as I master it.

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