Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Calm Before We Take Cornell by Storm

Today was one of the best days of the trip so far, simply because I woke up at 10:30AM. Furthermore, I woke up at 10:30AM with absolutely nothing to do. It was an amazing feeling.

My first event of the day was an academic crash course that began at 1:30PM. It lasted three hours and taught us how to handle ourselves in a college environment. The big tips were: 1. Study when you are wide awake, not when you are about to go to sleep. 2. Talk to your professor/TA's if you need help, and 3. GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Apparently the recommended amount is 9.25 hours a night and I would say that I get closer to six hours a night. Hopefully I can change that over the course of this program, but I don't think that's going to happen (although I would be EXTREMELY happy if it did).

After that, I played soccer with my roommate and a few of his friends and so I can now add a Venezuelan kid to my list of foreign students. When we finished that we all went to the Activities Fair where we signed up for all of the activities we wanted to participate in during our time here. I don't know what all of them are doing, but I am now involved in intramural soccer, flag football, ultimate frisbee, and of course whiffle ball. My ILC cohorts and I also signed up for the $5.00 screening of Harry Potter 7, part 2, which we are all very excited about.

Sadly enough, I am having a problem with my Cornell Net ID and I did not have time to talk to the tech people at the fair because I had to rush back to my dorm and get ready for dinner with Mr. Ramsey, Mrs. Kronenberg, and three representatives from Cornell. We learned a lot of new things about the University through conversation with these people, including that it is possible to receive your P.E. credits through a class called Relaxation and Massage....where all you do is relax and get/give massages. The other aspects of the school all sound amazing as well. They elaborated on exactly how beautiful the campus is by telling us all of the hot view spots that are around, and explained many of the academic aspects of the school like how much they value the fact that kids don't know what they want to do when they come to college, so they make it extremely easy to experiment with new things and very easy to transfer colleges if you please.

Overall, today was a pretty laid back day, but we have to keep in mind that our classes start tomorrow! I'm going to have to get some sleep now if I want to have even a half-way-functioning brain for our first day tomorrow, so I am going to have to sign off. Good night readers! Tomorrow's blogs will feature the Cornellian ILC'ers as official Cornell Summer College Students!

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