Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Karl Marx Makes His Mark

Marxism is the topic today and I must start off by saying I was not looking forward to today’s lecture because I didn’t fully understand socialism or communism. But after today, and tomorrow as well, I am pretty sure I will be able to say I know the difference and what Marx wanted and then what was actually put in place and why we may use the words in the wrong context.

I must say I had never really heard about Marx, oh block system. Anyway, today was a great history lesson for me. I felt like I really understood the time period that Marx was writing in and thus could understand where he was coming from. I will not say that I fully agree with him, but I agree that the factory and industrial revolution alienated the workers from everything (more or less). I have to say that I find the way in which Marx gives his opinions and thoughts a little hard to follow. This confuse might come from never reading him before, but my TA agreed with me on the fact that Marx doesn’t really express himself in the most straight forward or in the best way possible, which makes it really difficult to follow his train of thought.

Today in our lecture and discussion we cover the alienation problem Marx had with the industrial revolution. As I mentioned before I agree with Marx, I think that taking the work out of the home and depersonalizing it made the work and the workers strangers to one another. I also think it created a very distinct set of classes: the rich corporation owners, the employers, the bosses, and then the workers. And I don’t think that is right or just at all. I know we live in a capitalistic society and that these classes are still in effect today, but I just feel like there has got to be a better way to do business and to compete. Don’t get me wrong I love competition you can ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I am very competitive and maybe sometimes too competitive, but I really think I agree with Marx on this one.

I did not, surprise surprise, spend my entire day debating Marx’s philosophy, and in fact today was my friend from JMSG’s birthday!!!! Carrie turned the big one seven today. It was great to spend the day with her. I also had my last intramural soccer game, which was a little bit sad because I have made some really great friends playing soccer here.

However, after soccer my day did take a turn back towards academic because I met with my TA. I had originally planned to talk to him about my essay and a couple questions I had, but I our conversation took a different path. After getting my questions answered my TA and I had a lovely little chat about college and my plans for the future. It was refreshing to hear someone new talk about college.

Until tomorrow, Over and Out blog readers

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