I perused the various stands, admiring all the handiwork of various local artists and craftsmen and women. I bought myself a wrought-iron necklace in the shape of a treble clef. I enjoyed the fresh breeze of the fingerlakes. I ate fresh blueberries. I had the time of my life. I find myself talking like the main character in the psychological thriller I just saw, "The Fight Club." It blew my mind, and I have to commend once more my peers who are enlightening me with movies.
But honestly, I was really in awe of the organization and pure beauty of this farmer's market. Making my way home with regret, I fantasized about attending college here at Cornell and being able to get fresh fruits and vegetables here every weekend. After I got home, I touched up my essay to turn in my second draft, and just relaxed. Now, I'm turning in to begin my third and final week here at Cornell.
I cannot believe how fast it has gone by! As much as I am homesick, these last two weeks have been some of the best times in my life, and I am not looking forward to leaving Cornell and all the friends I have made here.
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